3mm Sintra

PVC (Sintra) is an excellent choice for outdoor signage because of its durability, light weight, and water-resistant properties. It's also a popular choice for indoor signs because of its versatility and easy-to-clean surface. The low gloss finish helps to reduce glare, making it a great choice for areas with bright lighting. With its ability to withstand harsh weather conditions and retain its color, PVC (Sintra) is a great investment for any business looking to create long-lasting, professional signs.

This PVC material is a great option for both indoor and outdoor signage needs. It's commonly used in stores, event venues, offices, parking lots, parks, and outdoor advertising. The board is durable, lightweight, and easy to transport and install. Grommets of 0.75" diameter are included. The low gloss surface is designed to reduce glare, making text easy to read even under strong lighting. Please note that in rare cases, we may print signs at 99.4% of the original size to ensure proper finishing and trimming, and bleed may be removed.

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Total : C$ 31.84

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Estimated Total : C$ 31.84